
^ Maehle 1993.
^ Horta 2014, p. 152, Notes.
^ Wilson n.d., The argument from marginal cases (again).
^ Regan 1979.
^ Pluhar 1995.
^ Horta 2014.
^ Rachels 1991.
^ “How should we read Machan’s broken-chair analogy? There is only one coherent way to interpret it. He is arguing that, just as a broken chair still belongs in the category of chairs, a marginal human still belongs in the category of humans. And because marginal humans belong to a species whose normal members can reason, have guilt, be held responsible for their actions ? which Machan previously argued is a necessary condition for having any rights ? the marginal members, too, deserve the same moral protections as those normal members. Here an implied premise lurks: Any member of a species most of whose members are moral agents has the same rights and protections as the normal members of that species. To put it more concisely: The moral status of an individual depends on what is normal for that individual’s species. I will call this the Argument from Species Normality.” (Graham 2004, The argument from species normality)
^ 「argument from species normality」の用語はデイヴィッド・グラハムが提唱した[15]
^ “… classifications and ascriptions of capacities rely on the good sense of making certain generalizations. One way to show this is to recall that broken chairs, while they aren’t any good to sit on, are still chairs, not monkeys or palm trees. Classifications are not something rigid but something reasonable. While there are some people who either for a little or longer while ? say when they’re asleep or in a coma ? lack moral agency, in general people possess that capacity, whereas non-people don’t. So it makes sense to understand them having rights so their capacity is respected and may be protected. This just doesn’t work for other animals.” (Machan 2004)
^ Graham 2004.
^ Regan & Singer 1989, p. 100.


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