
^ 当時、国王ラーマ8世は、スイスに留学中であり3名の摂政が置かれたが、政治的権限は実質的にない名誉職的なものであった。
^ 英泰条約では、旧マラヤ領のパッターニー県ヤラー県ナラーティワート県深南部三県サトゥーン県を交換で獲得していた。
^ Stearn, Duncan (2003年5月30日). ⇒“Allies attack Thailand, 1942?1945”. パタヤ・メール (パタヤ). ⇒http://www.pattayamail.com/513/columns.shtml#hd6 2013年3月20日閲覧. "On 26 December 1942 bombers of the United States’ Tenth Air Force, based in India, launched the first major strike" 
^ Stearn, Duncan (2004年4月2日). ⇒“Shot Down and Rescued”. パタヤ・メール (パタヤ). ⇒http://www.pattayamail.com/557/columns.shtml#hd6 2013年3月20日閲覧. "Many Thais resented the presence of Japanese forces in their homeland, especially since these troops tended to act more like occupiers than allies. So, whenever the opportunity arose to hinder the progress of Japanese war aims, there Thais collaboration was present." 
^ Stearn, Duncan (2004年4月16日). ⇒“To Bangkok”. パタヤ・メール (パタヤ). ⇒http://www.pattayamail.com/559/columns.shtml#hd6 2013年3月20日閲覧. "The downed fliers were taken to Thai police headquarters where some of them received first aid and, as evening fell, they were allowed outside to wash themselves in a large pool of water." 


Thailand's Secret War: OSS, SOE and the Free Thai Underground During World War II. E. Bruce Reynolds. Cambridge Military Histories series. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-83601-8. Colonel David Smiley is pictured page 377 with his Force 136 team.

The Thai Resistance Movement During The Second World War, John B. Haseman, Northern Illinois Center for Southeast Asian Studies, np, 1978.

Free Thai, compiled by Wimon Wiriyawit, White Lotus Co., Ltd, Bangkok, 1997.

Into Siam, Underground Kingdom, Nicol Smith and Blake Clark, Bobbs Merrill Company, New York, 1945.

Colonel David Smiley, "Irregular Regular", Michael Russell ? Norwich ? 1994 (ISBN 978-0859552028). Translated in French by Thierry Le Breton, Au coeur de l'action clandestine des commandos au MI6, L’Esprit du Livre Editions, France, 2008 (ISBN 978-2915960273). With numerous photographs.


Remarks of the Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet Honoring The Free Thai Movement
, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, 8 May 2000

The Free Thai

Seri Thai Park in Bangkok


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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)