^ Hayes, Christine, ed (2017). “Approaches to Foreign Law in Biblical Israel and Classical Judaism through the Medieval Period”. The Cambridge Companion to Judaism and Law. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 147?149. ISBN 978-1-107-03615-4. LCCN 2016-28972. https://books.google.com/books?id=RdccDgAAQBAJ&pg=PA147 
^ a b Singer, Isidore; Greenstone, Julius H. (1906). ⇒"Noachian Laws". Jewish Encyclopedia. Kopelman Foundation. 2012年2月5日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2020年11月10日閲覧。 "The Seven Laws. Laws which were supposed by the Rabbis to have been binding upon mankind at large even before the revelation at Sinai, and which are still binding upon non-Jews. The term Noachian indicates the universality of these ordinances, since the whole human race was supposed to be descended from the three sons of Noah, who alone survived the Flood. [...] Basing their views on the passage in ⇒Genesis 2:16, they declared that the following six commandments were enjoined upon Adam: (1) not to worship idols; (2) not to blaspheme the name of God; (3) to establish courts of justice; (4) not to kill; (5) not to commit adultery; and (6) not to rob (Gen. R. xvi. 9, xxiv. 5; Cant. R. i. 16; comp. Seder 'Olam Rabbah, ed. Ratner, ch. v. and notes, Wilna, 1897; Maimonides, "Yad," Melakim, ix. 1). A seventh commandment was added after the Flood?not to eat flesh that had been cut from a living animal ( ⇒Genesis 9:4). [...] Thus, the Talmud frequently speaks of "the seven laws of the sons of Noah," which were regarded as obligatory upon all mankind, in contradistinction to those that were binding upon Israelites only (Tosef., 'Ab. Zarah, ix. 4; Sanh. 56a et seq.). [...] He who observed the seven Noachian laws was regarded as a domiciled alien, as one of the pious of the Gentiles, and was assured of a portion in the world to come (Tosef., Sanh. xiii. 1; Sanh. 105a; comp. ib. 91b; "Yad," l.c. viii. 11)."
^ Berlin, Meyer; Zevin, Shlomo Yosef, eds. (1992) [1969]. "BEN NOAH". Encyclopedia Talmudica: A Digest of Halachic Literature and Jewish Law from the Tannaitic Period to the Present Time, Alphabetically Arranged. Vol. IV. Jerusalem: Yad Harav Herzog (Emet). pp. 360?380. ISBN 0873067142
^ a b Spitzer, Jeffrey (2018年). “The Noahide Laws”. My Jewish Learning. 2020年11月10日閲覧。
^ Zevin, Shlomo Yosef, ed. (1979). ""Ger Toshav", Section 1". Encyclopedia Talmudit (ヘブライ語) (4th ed.). Jerusalem: Yad Harav Herzog (Emet).
^ a b Feldman, Rachel Z. (2017年10月8日). “The Bnei Noah (Children of Noah)”. World Religions and Spirituality Project. 2020年1月21日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2020年11月10日閲覧。
^ a b Moses Maimonides (2012). “Hilkhot M'lakhim (Laws of Kings and Wars)”. Mishneh Torah. Sefaria. p. 8:14. https://www.sefaria.org/Mishneh_Torah%2C_Kings_and_Wars.8?lang=bi 2021年7月13日閲覧。 
^ Darlington, Stephen (31 December 2018) (English). Pearson Edexcel Religious Studies A level/AS Student Guide: Christianity. Hodder Education. ISBN 978-1-5104-3258-1 
^ a b ハロルド・ネットランド『どんな宗教でも救われるか-』いのちのことば社
^ アリスター・マクグラス『キリスト教神学入門』
^ 『キリスト者と宗教多元主義-キリスト教神学における諸類型』
^ Christians and Religious Pluralism, Patterns in the Christian by Alan Race Theology of Religions, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1982.
^ ユニテリアン宣教師ナップにおける日本宗教観 : 宗教多元主義との関連で杉田俊介
^ 平凡社 2021c, p. 「外道」.
^ 小学館 2021a, p. 「外道」.
^ 小学館 2021b, p. 「外道」.
^ a b 小学館 2021e, p. 「三武一宗の法難」.


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