
コンボルータ科[16](コンボルタ科)[9] Family Convolutidae Graff, 1905 (Anaperidae Dorjes, 1968およびSagittiferidae Kostenko & Mamkaev, 1990を含む) - ナイカイムチョウウズムシ Praesagittifera naikaiensis[16][9]、ワミノアムチョウウズムシ Waminoa litus[17]

皮中神経目 order または class Nemertodermatida Karling, 1940

family Ascopariidae Sterrer, 1998

family Nemertodermatidae Steinbock, 1930


出典^ a b c Seth Tyler and Stephen Schilling (2011-12-23). ⇒Phylum Xenacoelomorpha Philippe, et al., 2011. In Zhi-Qiang Zhang. “Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness”. Zootaxa (Magnolia Press) 3148 (1): 24?25. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3148.1.6. ⇒http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/list/2011/3148.html
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^ Raikova, O. I., Reuter, M., Jondelius, U., & Gustafsson, M. K. S. (2000). An immunocytochemical and ultrastructural study of the nervous and muscular systems of Xenoturbella westbladi (Bilateria inc. sed.). Zoomorphology, 120, 107?118.
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^ワミノアムチョウウズムシに共生している渦鞭毛藻の母系遺伝のメカニズム - 日本動物学会


Phylogeny of Lower Worms of the Meiofauna (Acoelomorpha)

Acoelomorpha at the Turbellarian taxonomic database


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