
^ Gachet 2004
^ Power 1997
^ a b Sprague & Carlson 1982
^ Haag et. al. 2000
^ a b Marakas 1999
^ a b Holsapple & Whinston 1996
^ Hackathorn & Keen 1981
^ Gadomski 2001
^DSSAT4 (pdf) Archived 2007年9月27日, at the Wayback Machine.
^The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer
^ Stephens, W. and Middleton, T. (2002). Why has the uptake of Decision Support Systems been so poor? In: Crop-soil simulation models in developing countries. 129-148 (Eds R.B. Matthews and William Stephens). Wallingford:CABI.

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