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^ “Veganism Is Not A Diet” (英語). IMPERATIVE ALL VEGAN EVERYTHING. 2022年12月24日閲覧。
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^ "Interview with Donald Watson", Vegetarians in Paradise, August 11, 2004:
^ Watson, Donald. ⇒Vegan News, No. 1, November 1944
^ ヴィーガン協会が1951年に「ヴィーガン」の定義を拡大したことについて: Cross, Leslie. "Veganism Defined", The Vegetarian World Forum, volume 5, issue 1, Spring 1951.
^ “History”. American Vegan Society. 2014年8月27日時点の ⇒オリジナルよりアーカイブ。2018年3月14日閲覧。
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^ vegconomist
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^ 石田名香雄『研究社 医学英和辞典』(第2版)研究社、2008年、1990頁。ISBN 978-4-7674-3462-9。 
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^ 伊藤正男、井村 裕夫、高久 史麿『医学書院医学大辞典』(第2版)医学書院、2009年、1038頁。ISBN 978-4-260-00582-1。 
^ メイヨークリニック『メイヨー・クリニック 健康医学大事典』法研、2006年、34頁。ISBN 4-87954-517-1。 
^ 辻啓介、家政学会「菜食主義」『家政学用語辞典』朝倉書店、1993年、156頁。 
^ 垣本充「ベジタリアンの類型および食品表示」『Vegetarian research』第15巻第1号、2014年、1-2頁。 
^ James C. Whorton. 吉岡倭子、三輪睿太郎監訳「菜食主義」『ケンブリッジ世界の食物史5』朝倉書店、2005年、229-244頁。ISBN 978-4-254-43535-1。 
^ Kemble, Fanny. Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1839, pp.197-198: "The sight and smell of raw meat are especially odious to me, and I have often thought that if I had had to be my own cook, I should inevitably become a vegetarian, probably, indeed, return entirely to my green and salad days."

また Davis, John. "The earliest known uses of the word 'vegetarian'". や "Extracts from some journals 1842-48 : the earliest known uses of the word 'vegetarian'", International Vegetarian Union, 201年12月17日閲覧。また Davis, John. ⇒"Prototype Vegans", The Vegan, Winter 2010, p.19.

Preece, Rod. Sins of the Flesh: A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought. University of British Columbia Press, 2008 (hereafter Preece 2008), pp. 12-13: Another early use of "vegetarian" is the April 1842 edition of The Healthian, a journal published by Alcott House: "Tell a healthy vegetarian that his diet is very uncongenial to the wants of his nature."

^ Iacobbo Karen, Iacobbo Michael. Vegetarians and Vegans in America Today, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006, p.142.
^ Hart, James D. "Alcott, Amos Bronson," in The Oxford Companion to American Literature, Oxford University Press, 1995, p.14.

また Francis, Richard. Fruitlands: The Alcott Family and their Search for Utopia, Yale University Press, 2010.

^ Davis, John. World Veganism. International Vegetarian Union, 2012, p.32.
^ a b Twigg, Julia. "The Vegetarian Movement in England: 1847?1981", PhD thesis, London School of Economics, 1981.

Davis, John. "The Origins of the "Vegetarians", International Vegetarian Union", 28 July 2011.

"History of the Vegetarian Society", Vegetarian Society, accessed 7 February 2011.

^ ファン・フォーシュト 2023, pp. 98?99.
^ a b Gandhi, Mahatma. "The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism", speech to the Vegetarian Society, London, 20 November 1931:
^ “"History of Vegetarianism: The Origin of Some Words"”. 2008年6月30日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2008年6月30日閲覧。, International Vegetarian Union, 6 April 2010:
^ エッセイ Salt, Henry Stephens(英語版). A Plea for Vegetarianism and other essays Archived 2012-06-16 at the Wayback Machine., The Vegetarian Society, 1886, p.7.

また Salt, Henry Stephens. "The Humanities of Diet," in Kerry S. Walters and Lisa Portmess. Ethical Vegetarianism: from Pythagoras to Peter Singer. State University of New York Press, 1999, p. 115ff, an extract from Salt's The Logic of Vegetarianism (1899).

ソルトが最初の近代的な動物の権利提唱者ということについては、Taylor, Angus. Animals and Ethics. Broadview Press, 2003, p. 62.

^ Leneman, Leah. ⇒"No Animal Food: The Road to Veganism in Britain, 1909?1944" Archived 2014-10-19 at the Wayback Machine., Society and Animals, 7(3), 1999, pp. 219?228 (hereafter Leneman 1999); p.220 for Wheldon. ⇒No Animal Food, Health Culture Co, New York-Passaic, New Jersey, 1910, pp. 11?12.
^Leneman 1999 Archived 2014-10-19 at the Wayback Machine., pp. 219-220, 222.
^ “アーカイブされたコピー”. 2014年10月19日時点の ⇒オリジナルよりアーカイブ。2014年10月19日閲覧。 Leneman 1999], p. 221.
^ Gandhi, Mahatma."The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism", speech to the Vegetarian Society, London, 20 November 1931 (hereafter Gandhi 1931).

要氏BGandhi, Mahatma. "The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism".

また Davis, John. ⇒"Gandhi ? and the launching of veganism", International Vegetarian Union, accessed 16 December 2012.

Phelps, Norm. The Longest Struggle: Animal Advocacy from Pythagoras to PETA. Lantern Books, 2007 (hereafter Phelps 2007), pp.164-165.

^ Gandhi, Mahatma. "The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism", speech to the Vegetarian Society, London, 20 November 1931, pp. 11?14.


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