
^ “Threats to history seen in budget cuts, bulldozers ? Yahoo! News”. News.yahoo.com. 2008年10月13日時点の ⇒オリジナルよりアーカイブ。2010年3月16日閲覧。
^ Salkin, Allen (2007年6月3日). ⇒“Lower East Side Is Under a Groove”. The New York Times: p. 1. ⇒http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/03/fashion/03misrahi.html?pagewanted=all 2012年10月6日閲覧。 
^ Virshup, Amy. ⇒“New York Nabes”. The New York Times. ⇒http://www.nytimes.com/fodors/top/features/travel/destinations/unitedstates/newyork/newyorkcity/fdrs_feat_111_13.html 2007年1月13日閲覧。 
^ McEvers, Kelly (2005年3月2日). ⇒“Close-Up on the Lower East Side”. Village Voice. ⇒http://www.villagevoice.com/nyclife/0510,mcevers,61581,15.html 2007年1月13日閲覧。 
^ “ ⇒Gilbert Tauber, "Old Streets of New York: Delancey Farm grid"”. Oldstreets.com. 2011年5月14日閲覧。
^ Eric Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City: a visual celebration of nearly 400 years 2005:60?61
^ Edward Van Winkle, Joan Vinckeboons, Kiliaen van Rensselaer, Manhattan, 1624?1639 1916:13; "van Curler"というイギリス式の名前になったJacobは、この土地をWilliam HendriesenおよびGysbert Cornelissonに1640年9月にリースした; date given as "prior to 1640": “ ⇒Corlears Park”. Nycgovparks.org (2001年11月17日). 2010年3月16日閲覧。
^ Nechtanc, in K. Scott and K. Stryker-Rodda, eds. New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, vol. 1 (Baltimore) 1974 and R.S. Grumet, Native American Place-Names in New York City (New York) 1981, both noted in Eric W. Sanderson, Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City 2009:262.
^ Edwin Francis Hatfield, Samuel Hanson Cox, Patient Continuance in Well-doing: a memoir of Elihu W. Baldwin, 1843:183.
^ Edwin Francis Hatfield, Samuel Hanson Cox, Patient Continuance in Well-doing: a memoir of Elihu W. Baldwin, 1843:183f.
^ Bartlett's Dictionary of Americanisms (1859): "hooker"
^Online Etymology Dictionaryより引用
^ Samuel Akerley, MD (Dudley Atkins, ed.) Reports of Hospital Physicians: and other documents in relation to the epidemic cholera (New York: Board of Health) 1832:112-49.
^ “ ⇒Gilbert Tauber, "Old Streets of New York: Corlaers or Corlears Hook"”. Oldstreets.com. 2011年5月14日閲覧。
^NYC Department of Parks historical sign: Corlear's hook Park.
^The Corners Project, ⇒http://www.thecornersproject.com/ 
^ Carlo McCormick, "The Downtown Book: The New York Art Scene, 1974?1984"
^ Salkin, Allen (2007年6月3日). ⇒“Lower East Side Is Under a Groove”. The New York Times. ⇒http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/03/fashion/03misrahi.html?scp=33&sq=lower%20east%20side%20noise&st=cse 
^ Lueck, Thomas J. (2007年7月2日). ⇒“As Noise Rules Take Effect, the City’s Beat Mostly Goes On”. The New York Times. ⇒http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/02/nyregion/02noise.html?scp=1&sq=lower%20east%20side%20noise&st=cse 

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ウィキボヤージュには、Lower East Sideに関する旅行情報があります。

Lower East Side ? Neighborhood Profile

A Jewish Tour of the Lower East Side, New York magazine


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