
^ Fleming, Michael; Siegel, Tatiana (2007年10月21日). ⇒“Wahlberg steps into 'Bones'”. Variety. ⇒http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117974450?refCatId=13 
^ a b c d Bordelon, Jenna (2010年12月2日). “ ⇒Ryan Gosling: Why Peter Jackson Fired Me From 'Lovely Bones'”. ハリウッド・レポーター. 2017年4月21日閲覧。 “"We didn't talk very much during the preproduction process, which was the problem," Gosling said. "It was a huge movie, and there's so many things to deal with, and he couldn't deal with the actors individually. I just showed up on set, and I had gotten it wrong. Then I was fat and unemployed."”
^ Mueller, Matt (2008年3月14日). “Interview: Ryan Gosling”. London: The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2008/mar/14/1. "Will the experience make him reassess how he approaches offers? "Yeah, I think so. It was nice to be believed in that much, but it was also an important realisation for me: not to let your ego get involved. It's OK to be too young for a role."" 
^ Fisher, Alice (2011年1月9日). “The Life of Ryan”. London: The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2011/jan/09/ryan-gosling-blue-valentine-film 2017年4月21日閲覧。 
^ LaSalle, Mick(英語版) (2011年6月27日). ⇒“Sad, but Among the Best”. San Francisco Chronicle. ⇒http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/01/07/MVK31GPNCQ.DTL 2012年1月26日閲覧. "Gosling brings a preternatural understanding of people to his performance [後略]" 
^ Scott, A. O. (2010年12月28日). “‘Blue Valentine’ Flits Through Couple’s Time”. The New York Times. https://movies.nytimes.com/2010/12/29/movies/29blue.html 2012年1月26日閲覧. "Mr. Gosling is convincing as the run-down, desperate, older Dean, and maybe a bit less so as the younger version, but in any case it is hard to intuit what connects one to the other." 
^ Gleiberman, Owen (2011年1月6日). ⇒“Blue Valentine Review”. Entertainment Weekly. ⇒http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20453723,00.html 2012年1月26日閲覧. "Gosling plays Dean as a snarky working-class hipster, but when his anger is unleashed, the performance turns powerful." 
^ Morris, Wesley (2011年1月7日). “Blue Valentine”. The Boston Globe: p. 2. ⇒オリジナルの2012年5月27日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20120527222725/http://articles.boston.com/2011-01-07/ae/29339496_1_blue-valentine-williams-and-gosling-cindy/2 2012年1月26日閲覧. "Gosling steps right into the Cassavetes idea. He can be bluesy. But here that crypto-Queens drawl, the Methody deliberateness, the all-purpose angst, trendy accoutrements of handsomeness (mustache, biceps, expensive-looking shades) can also suggest membership in an all-barista Marlon Brando tribute band. There’s something of that in this performance ? hipsterism misdirected." 
^ MacDonald, Gayle (2010年12月14日). ⇒“Canadian Ryan Gosling among Golden Globe Nominees”. The Globe and Mail (Toronto). ⇒http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/awards/golden-globes/canadian-ryan-gosling-among-golden-globe-nominees/article1837867/ 2012年1月26日閲覧。 
^ Shone, Tom. “ ⇒Kirsten Dunst on Her Next Film, 'All Good Things'”. ニューヨーク. 2012年1月26日閲覧。
^ a b Zeitchik, Steven (2010年12月26日). ⇒“Ryan Gosling Again Takes the Plunge in 'Blue Valentine'”. Los Angeles Times: p. 2. ⇒http://articles.latimes.com/2010/dec/26/entertainment/la-ca-ryan-gosling-20101226/2 2012年1月26日閲覧. "Asked if he's proud of the film, Gosling hesitates. "I'm proud of what Kirsten does in the movie," he says finally. (He later elaborates: "It was a hard film to make because it was such a dark experience. [後略]")" 
^ Travers, Peter (2012年12月2日). “ ⇒All Good Things”. Rolling Stone. 2012年1月26日閲覧。 “Gosling gets so deep into character you can feel his nerve endings.”
^ LaSalle, Mick(英語版) (2011年6月27日). ⇒“Good Acting Isn't Enough”. San Francisco Chronicle. ⇒http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/12/16/MVI41GPGMO.DTL 2012年1月26日閲覧. "Gosling is completely convincing as this empty shell of a man, and to his credit - as well as that of director Andrew Jarecki and screenwriters Marcus Hinchley and Marc Smerling - he grabs our emotions: He makes us hate the sight of him" 


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