
^ Stewart, Sara (2013年7月18日). ⇒“‘Only God Forgives’ movie review”. New York Post. ⇒http://nypost.com/2013/07/19/blood-flows-very-slowly-in-only-god-forgives/ 2013年7月25日閲覧. "Why the long face, Ryan Gosling? I get that you want to distance yourself from the cheeseball stigma of “The Notebook,” but enough already. [中略] There’s almost zero levity to be had in “Only God Forgives,” from “Drive” director Nicolas Winding Refn, in which Gosling reprises his man-of-few-words persona." 
^ Gates, Daniel (2013年3月20日). “ ⇒Ryan Gosling: I’m Taking Break from Acting”. gossip cop. 2013年3月20日閲覧。
^ Schwartzel, Erich (2014年4月17日). ⇒“Cannes Festival to Premiere Films by Jean-Luc Godard, Ryan Gosling”. The Wall Street Journal. ⇒http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2014/04/17/cannes-festival-to-premiere-films-by-jean-luc-godard-ryan-gosling/ 2014年4月17日閲覧。 
^ a b “ ⇒映画 ロスト・リバー / LOST RIVER 公式サイト”. 2017年5月3日閲覧。
^ Creepy, Uncle (2012年12月13日). “Ben Mendelsohn Illustrates How to Catch a Monster”. Dreadcentral.com. 2014年11月12日時点の ⇒オリジナルよりアーカイブ。2017年5月3日閲覧。
^ Wales, George. “Matt Smith to star in Ryan Gosling's How To Catch A Monster”. TotalFilm.com. 2014年11月12日時点の ⇒オリジナルよりアーカイブ。2013年7月2日閲覧。
^ Lost River - Rotten Tomatoes(英語) - 2017年5月3日閲覧。
^ Kelley, Seth (2015年4月13日). “ ⇒Ryan Gosling on His Directorial Debut ‘Lost River’: It Is My Version of Dark ‘Goonies’”. Variety. 2017年5月3日閲覧。
^ Jung, E. Alex (2014年5月21日). ⇒“Cannes: Nobody Likes Ryan Gosling’s Directorial Debut, Lost River”. Vulture. ⇒http://www.vulture.com/2014/05/cannes-nobody-likes-ryan-goslings-lost-river.html 2017年5月3日閲覧。 
^ Bradshaw, Peter (2014年5月20日). “Cannes review: Lost River - Ryan Gosling flounders with directorial debut”. The Guardian. 2017年5月3日閲覧。 “For "River" read "Opportunity" or "Any Sense Of Proportion Or Humility" or maybe just "Mind". [中略] It is colossally indulgent, shapeless, often fantastically and unthinkingly offensive and at all times insufferably conceited.”
^ Chang, Justin (2014年5月20日). ⇒“‘Lost River’ Review: Ryan Gosling’s Howler of a Directing Debut - Variety”. Variety. ⇒http://variety.com/2014/film/reviews/cannes-film-review-ryan-goslings-lost-river-1201187183/. "It’s perversely admirable to the extent that Gosling has certainly put himself out there, sans shame or apology, but train-wreck fascination will go only so far to turn this misguided passion project into an item of even remote commercial interest." 
^ Yuan, Jada (2014年5月26日). “ ⇒Cannes: Nicolas Winding Refn Defends Ryan Gosling Movie”. Vulture. 2017年5月3日閲覧。 “But Refn doesn't care, so why should you? "Because we're twins, we make the same movie," said Refn. "Separated at birth, we found each other. That's the thing about twins. We stick together."”
^ “The Big Short: Sound and Fury on Wall Street”. The Atlantic (2015年12月11日). 2016年7月15日閲覧。 “Gosling is smarmily funny, somehow simultaneously magnetic and repulsive; after years wandering the halls of mediocre art cinema, it’s wonderful to see him cut loose again.”
^ Travers, Peter (2015年12月10日). “ ⇒'The Big Short' Movie Review”. Rolling Stone. 2016年7月15日閲覧。 “Gosling, a virtuoso of verbal sleaze, talks directly to the camera, and he's volcanically fierce and funny.”
^ Nashawaty, Chris (2015年12月7日). “ ⇒The Big Short: EW Review”. Entertainment Weekly. 2016年7月15日閲覧。 “As our semi-trustworthy slickster narrator, Ryan Gosling oozes smarm and smartass charm, leading viewers through the ins and outs of a game that’s always been rigged against regular, hardworking folks.”
^ Keough, Peter (2015年12月22日). “Caustic ‘Big Short’ is long on wit”. Boston Globe. 2016年7月15日閲覧。

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