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^ Thomas Holocroft, A Tale of Mystery: A Melo-drame (1802)
^ Nicoll, Allardyce (1959) A History of English Drama, 1660?1900. Vol. 4, Early Nineteenth Century Drama, 1800?1850, 2d ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP.
^ Kuhn, Annette and Guy Westwel (2012) “melodrama”, A Dictionary of Film Studies, Oxford UP.
^ a b Altman, Rick (1992) “Dickens, Griffith, and Film Theory Today”, Classical Hollywood Narrative: The Paradigm Wars, ed. by Jane Gaines, Durham, NC: Duke UP, pp. 9?47.
^ Gledhill, Christine et al. eds (1994) Melodrama: Stage, Picture, Screen. London: British Film Institute.
^ “ ⇒BFI Screenonline: Gainsborough Melodrama”. www.screenonline.org.uk. 2020年5月23日閲覧。
^ Landy, Marcia, ed. (1991) Imitations of Life: A Reader on Film and Television Melodrama, Detroit: Wayne State UP.; Mercer, John and Martin Shingler (2004) Melodrama: Genre, Style, Sensibility, New York: Wallflower Pr.
^ Mulvey, Laura (1994) “‘It Will Be a Magnificent Obsession’: The Melodrama’s Role in the Development of Contemporary Film Theory”, Melodrama: Stage, Picture, Screen, ed. by Christine Gledhill et al., London: British Film Institute, pp. 121?133.; Neale, Steve (1986) “Melodrama and Tears”, Screen, 27:6, pp. 6-23.
^ a b Elsaesser, Thomas (1973) “Fire and Fury: Observations on the Family Melodrama”, Film Genre Reader IV, ed. by Barry Keith Grant, Austin: U. of Texas Pr., 2012.
^ Kaplan, E. Ann (1983) “Theories of Melodrama: A Feminist Perspective.” Women in Performance, 1: 40?48. A
^ Belau, Linda and Ed Cameron (2016) "Melodrama, Sickness, and Paranoia: Todd Haynes and the Woman's Film", Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television, 46:2, pp. 35-
^ “Melodramas Films”. www.filmsite.org. 2020年5月23日閲覧。
^ ウルリヒ・ミヒェルス編『図解音楽辞典』角倉一朗日本語版監修、白水社、1989年、345頁。ISBN 978-4560036860
^ a b c d e Cox, Philip. "Melodrama, Origin and Development." Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature: The Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature, Frederick Burwick, et al. eds., 1st ed., Wiley, 2012.
^ a b c Randel, Don Michael. "Melodrama." The Harvard Dictionary of Music, 4th ed., Harvard University Press, 2003.
^ a b Smith, James L. Melodrama, Methuen, 1973.
^ a b Hambridge, Katherine and Jonathan Hicks eds. The Melodramatic Moment : Music and Theatrical Culture, 1790-1820, The University of Chicago Press, 2018
^ Kravitt, Edward. "The Joining of Words and Music in Late Romantic Melodrama," MQ 42 (1976): 571?90.


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