
^ Since 15 CE, the river had been administered by a Tiber Conservancy Board, with a consular senator at its head and a permanent staff. In 161, the curator alevi Tiberis et riparum et cloacarum urbis ("Curator of the Tiber Bed and Banks and the City Sewers") was A. Platorius Nepos, son or grandson of the builder of Hadrian's Wall, whose name he shares. He probably had not been particularly incompetent. A more likely candidate for that incompetence is Nepos' likely predecessor, M. Statius Priscus. A military man and consul for 159, Priscus probably looked on the office as little more than paid leave.[164]
^ Alan Cameron adduces the fifth-century writer Sidonius Apollinaris's comment that Marcus commanded "countless legions" vivente Pio (while Pius was alive) while contesting Birley's contention that Marcus had no military experience. (Neither Apollinaris nor the Historia Augusta (Birley's source) are particularly reliable on second-century history.[178])
^ Birley believes there is some truth in these considerations.[199]
^ The whole section of the vita dealing with Lucius' debaucheries (HA Verus 4.4?6.6), however, is an insertion into a narrative otherwise entirely cribbed from an earlier source. Most of the details are fabricated by the biographer himself, relying on nothing better than his own imagination.[205]


All citations to the Historia Augusta are to individual biographies, and are marked with a "HA". Citations to the works of Fronto are cross-referenced to C.R. Haines' Loeb edition.^ Dio 69.21.1; HA Marcus 1.9; McLynn, 24.
^ Dio 69.21.1; HA Marcus 1.10; McLynn, 24.
^ Marcus Aurelius emperor of Rome Encyclopadia Britannica
^ Western Civilization: Sources, Images and Interpretations, Dennis Sherman, Vol. 1, 5th Ed., p. 104.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 229 30. The thesis of single authorship was first proposed in H. Dessau's "Uber Zeit und Personlichkeit der Scriptoes Historiae Augustae" (in German), Hermes 24 (1889), 337ff.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 230. On the HA Verus, see Barnes, 65?74.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 227.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 228?29, 253.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 227?28.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 228.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 49.
^ HA Marcus 1.2, 1.4; Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 28; McLynn, 14.
^ Dio 69.21.2, 71.35.2?3; Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 31.
^ Codex Inscriptionum Latinarum ⇒14.3579; Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 29; McLynn, 14, 575 n. 53, citing Ronald Syme, Roman Papers 1.244.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 29; McLynn, 14.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 31, 44.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 29, citing Pliny, Epistulae 8.18.
^ Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 30.
^ a b Birley, Marcus Aurelius, 31.
^ Farquharson, 1.95?96.


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