
^The Independent on Harold Robbins: "During his 50-year career (he died in 1997) he sold an estimated 750 million books and, in the process, transformed himself into a brand." (23 September 2008)
^USA Today on Harold Robbins: "Starting in 1948, he sold 750 million books, including megasellers such as The Carpetbaggers, A Stone for Danny Fisher and The Betsy." (9 October 2007)
^The Age on Georges Simenon: "With worldwide sales of 500 million, he was the most widely read living writer of his era." (14 September 2003)
^The Wall Street Journal on Georges Simenon: "In his lifetime Simenon published some 570 books, using 17 pen names, which have sold more than 700 million copies in 40 countries and were translated into 57 languages." (1 April 2003)
^Encyclopedia Britannica on Enid Blyton: "By the late 20th century her books had sold more than 300 million copies and been translated into at least 90 languages." (24 November 2007)
^The Huddersfield DailyExaminer on Enid Blyton: "She has been translated into 90 languages, is the sixth most popular writer worldwide according to UNESCO and almost equal to Shakespeare, and has sold 600 million copies." (25 August 2008)
^Reuters on Danielle Steel: "Steel has since sold more than 560 million books and on Tuesday will publish her 72nd novel "Honor Thyself."" (21 February 2008)
^ MSNBC on Danielle Steel: "Authored by Danielle Steel, whose romance novels have sold more than 570 million copies, [...]" (17 June 2008)
^The Daily Utah Chronicle Archived 2008年4月15日, at the Wayback Machine. on Dr. Seuss: "The Pulitzer Prize-winning Seuss wrote and illustrated 47 books and sold more than 100 million copies in 18 languages." (5 March 2001)
^The New York Times on Dr. Seuss: "Today Dr. Seuss's 44 books have been translated into 21 languages, selling more than 500 million copies." (2 March 2004)
^ Susan Edgerton e.a. in Imagining the Academy: Higher Education and Popular Culture page 53, on Gilbert Patten: "It is estimated that at least 125 million copies of the Frank Merriwell series (whichitself ran to at least 209 books) were sold." (2004)
^ LeRoy Ashby in With Amusement For All: A History of American Popular Culture Since 1830 page 145, on Gilbert Patten: "[...] the Merriwell brothers, the heroes of almost 250children's books, whose total sales of 500 million copies surpassed those of the Bible between 1896 and 1918." (2006)
^New York Times February 15, 1987
^ “築田 多吉 赤本のページ”. 2021年4月6日閲覧。
^ “ ⇒三樹園社ホームページ”. 2021年4月6日閲覧。
^ [ノルウェイの森]映画化人気で文庫上巻が売り上げ100万部突破
^ 「窓ぎわのトットちゃん」、中国で1千万部突破-朝日デジタル 朝日新聞社、2017年5月12日。
^ “黒柳徹子『窓際のトットちゃん』40周年「今、読み返しても面白い」”. ORICON NEWS. (2021年3月30日). https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2188840/ 2021年4月5日閲覧。 
^ a b c “出科研コラム 。出版科学研究所”. 2021年4月6日閲覧。
^ a b ほんパラ!関口堂書店「20世紀のベストセラー本ランキング」2000年12月9日放送。公式ページ(インターネット・アーカイブのキャッシュ)
^ [1]
^追随許さぬ広辞苑人気 定着ブランド、地道に改訂 - ひと・流行・話題 - BOOK Archived 2008年4月1日, at the Wayback Machine.、朝日新聞社、2008年1月16日。
^ a b c 日本経済新聞2005年1月10日付朝刊
^『研究社 新英和/新和英中辞典+英和コンピューター用語辞典』リリース Archived 2008年1月22日, at the Wayback Machine.
^ 「広辞苑 販促の妙 駅に全長14メートルポスター ユニクロとコラボ」『日経産業新聞』2009年6月18日付、7頁。
^旺文社古語辞典〔第九版〕 Archived 2008年3月29日, at the Wayback Machine.


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