
^ Sources - US Federal census, 1920, shows Maximilian Parker's family arrived in the USA in 1856; US census for 1860 shows the Parker family already in Beaver, Utah
^ Armstrong, Jeremy (2008年12月10日). “Outlaw's mum born & bred on Tyneside”. Daily Mirror. ⇒オリジナルの2018年11月22日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20181122051719/https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-190265260.html 2008年12月10日閲覧. "Geordie lass Ann Sinclair Gillies who was born and bred on Tyneside..." 
^ The Outlaw Trail. Archived 2008年10月11日, at the Wayback Machine. Bureau of Land Management. 18 January 2008. Accessed 13 June 2008.
^ Betenson, Lula and Flack, Dora, Butch Cassidy, My Brother, Brigham Young University Press, Provo, Utah, 1975.
^ Idaho State Historical Society: Public Archives and Research Library, inmate files: Henry "Bob" Meeks, #574
^“Alleged Train Robber Taken” (PDF). The New York Times. (1899年10月23日). ⇒http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9F04E0DC1E39E433A25750C2A9669D94689ED7CF 2009年5月26日閲覧。 
^ “ ⇒Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid: The Monpelier, Castle Gate, Wilcox and Winnemucca Robberies”. Wyoming Tales and Trails. 2009年5月26日閲覧。
^Cody Wyoming: Old West Trail Town, History Archived 2009年10月1日, at the Wayback Machine.
^ ワイルド・バンチ
^ Gibson, Elizabeth. ⇒"Kid Curry, the Wildest of the Bunch." アーカイブ 2003年12月19日 - ウェイバックマシン WOLA Journal. Spring, 1999. reprinted at HometownAOL.com.
^The Sundance Kid and Henry Long. SundanceKidHenryLong.com.
^ McPhee, John. Annals of the Former World. 1998. ISBN 0-374-10520-0. p. 358.
^“Little left of Butch's life in Circleville”. Deseret News. (2006年7月24日). ⇒http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4188/is_20060724/ai_n16641373/ 
^History of Butch Cassidy, LeRoy Parker from Utah.com
^ "Last of the Bandit Riders ... Revisited" by Matt Warner and updated by Joyce Warner and Dr. Steve Lacy, Big Moon Traders, Salt Lake City UT 2000
^ Patterson, Richard. ⇒Butch Cassidy's Surrender Offer. HistoryNet.com. February 2006. Accessed 13 June 2008.
^ a b"Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid." Archived 2005年9月20日, at the Wayback Machine. The Mythical West: An Encyclopedia of Legend, Lore, and Popular Culture. 2001. reprinted at OurworldCompuserv.com.
^ Phillips, William T. ⇒The Bandit Invincible: The Story of the Outlaw Butch Cassidy Archived 2009年1月15日, at the Wayback Machine.. J. Willard Marriott Library. University of Utah. January 1986. Accessed 13 June 2008.


ドリフターズ』 - 異世界に漂着した設定でサンダンス・キッドと共に主要人物の1人として登場。



http://diggingupbutchandsundance.wordpress.com/ Website of articles, chiefly about Butch & Sundance in South America.

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