




Torrentcomp_small.gif ‎(357 × 334 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 20キロバイト、MIME タイプ: image/gif、ループします、10 フレーム、30秒)





解説Torrentcomp small.gifБългарски: Схема на обмена на данни (рееr to peer).Bosanski: Ilustracija BitTorrent protokola.Catala: BitTorrent redueix enormement la carrega en el servidor, puix els usuaris generalment descarreguen els arxius entre ells, no del servidor. Com mostren les barres acolorides sota cada client, l'arxiu es descarregat en un ordre aleatori, en lloc de dur un ordre sequencial.?e?tina: Server (zobrazeny dole) postupn? rozda r?znym klient?m r?zne kousky souboru, kte?i si je pote vym??uji mezi sebou, ?im? se zat?? serveru sni?uje.Deutsch: BitTorrent reduziert die Serverauslastung, da sich Peers, auch mit unvollstandigen Dateien, untereinander austauschen. Wie die farbigen Balken bei einigen Clients anzeigen, wird die Datei stuckweise in zufalliger Reihenfolge untereinander ausgetauscht, anstatt sie komplett zu laden.English: The BitTorrent protocol: In this animation, the colored bars beneath all of the 7 clients in the upper region above represent the file, with each color representing an individual piece of the file. After the initial pieces transfer from the seed (large system at the bottom), the pieces are individually transferred from client to client. The original seeder only needs to send out one copy of the file for all the clients to receive a copy.Suomi: Jakajan tiedonsiirtokapasiteetin kuormitus vahenee huomattavasti kun tiedostoja lataavat kayttajat jakavat tiedostoja samanaikaisesti toisilleen.Francais : Dans cette animation, les barres colorees sous les clients representent des pieces ou blocs individuel du fichier distribue. Apres le transfert originel depuis le "seeder", les pieces sont individuellement transferees de poste a poste (de client a client). Le distributeur originel doit simplement envoyer une copie du fichier pour que tous les clients en recoivent une copie.?????: ????? ???? ????. ????? (???????) ?? ?????? ????????? - ??????? ????????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ??????? ????? ????? ?? ?????. ???? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ????, ?????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ???????. ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ?????, ??? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ???.Hrvatski: Ilustracija BitTorrent protokola.Magyar: A BitTorrent nagyban csokkenti a sz?k keresztmetszet negativ hatasait azzal, hogy a csomopontok egymastol is letoltenek. Ahogy az elter? szinek is mutatjak, a letoltes veletlenszer? sorrendben tortenik.Italiano: Esempio di condivisione. Uno schema esplicativo di come funzioni lo scambio di parti di file all'interno del Torrent Swarm.日本語: BitTorrentは、ファイルの配布に使われるコンテンツ提供者の負担を著しく減少させられる。コンテンツ提供者(Bittorrentにおけるシーダー:ファイルの全ての断片の保持者)はそれぞれ異なる断片を、常にピアの一部だけに配布する。各ピアは、ピアやシーダーから断片をダウンロードすると同時に、自分の持つ部分を、持っていないピアにアップロードする。.???????: BitTorrent-?? ???????? ????????: ?????? ??????????????? ??????????? ??????? ????????? ??? ?????????, ??? ????????? ??????? ????????? ?????????? ????????, ???? ??????????, ???? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ??????????? ??? ????.???: ?????? ?? ??.Kurdi: ?emaya belavkirina bi BitTorrent. Herkes hineki belav dike, bara pe?ke?kare sivik dibe.Lietuvi?: BitTorrent tinklo veikimo principas.Latvie?u: Kr?sainie punkti att?lo p?rs?t?m? faila gabalus.??????: In this animation, the coloured bars beneath all of the 7 clients in the upper region above represent individual pieces of the file. After the initial pieces transfer from the seed (large system at the bottom), the pieces are individually transferred from client to client. The original seeder only needs to send out one copy of the file for all the clients to receive a copy.Bahasa Melayu: Dalam animasi gambar ini,bar berwarna pada setiap klien menunjukkan satu fail. Pemilik fail asal hanya perlu menghantar satu fail untuk berkongsi dengan semua orang.Norsk bokmal: Distribusjon via BitTorrent. Fargene illustrerer ulike deler av fila.Polski: Protoko? BitTorrent znacznie redukuje obci??enie ??cza u?ytkownikow udost?pniaj?cych plik (seed). Kolorowe kropki pod klientami oznaczaj? ro?ne fragmenty kopiowanego pliku. Fragment pliku po pobraniu od seeda jest nast?pnie kopiowany pomi?dzy pozosta?ymi klientami.Portugues: BitTorrent reduz largamente a carga no servidor porque os utilizadores descarregam arquivos uns dos outros, nao do servidor. As barras coloridas indicam que os pedacos sao partilhados em ordem aleatoria, em vez da ordem sequencial.Русский: Принцип работы BitTorrent: нагрузка на распространителя файла уменьшается благодаря тому, что клиенты начинают обмениваться данными сразу же, даже если файпBне докачан ими до конца.Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Ilustracija BitTorrent protokola.Српски / srpski: Ilustracija BitTorrent protokola.?????: In this animation, the colored bars beneath all of the 7 clients in the upper region above represent the file, with each color representing an individual piece of the file. After the initial pieces transfer from the seed (large system at the bottom), the pieces are individually transferred from client to client. The original seeder only needs to send out one copy of the file for all the clients to receive a copy.Shqip: Ne kete animacion, topat me ngjyra poshte 7 klienteve paraqesin pjese individuale te fajllit. Pasi pjeset fillestare t% transferohen nga fara (seed) (sistemi i madh poshte), pjeset transferohen individualisht nga nje klient ne tjetrin.Seederi origjinal duhet thjeshte te dergoje nje kopje dhe gjithe klientet e tjere mund te marrin nga nje.???: ????????, ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.Turkce: BitTorrent al?c?lar?n indirdikleri parcalar? birbirleri ile payla?malar? sonucu sunucunun a? yukunu onemli olcude hafifletir. Animasyonda her bir renkli cizgi payla??lan dosyan?n ayr? bir parcas?n? temsil etmektedir. Tum al?c?lar tum parcalara sahip oluncaya kadar aralar?ndaki payla??m devam eder.Укра?нська: На малюнку показано, наск?льки швидше файпBбуде завантажено, якщо використову?ться протокопBBitTorrent.
日付2005年4月5日 (当初のアップロード日)
原典https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent → smaller file-size GIF for BitTorrent article, cleaned up the dithered and ugly pixels. I made this to replace the monstrous 1.77 MB GIF residing on that article's page.


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キャプション日本語このファイルの内容を1行で記述してください英語BitTorrent protocol file sharing animation
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現在の版2016年1月11日 (月) 20:08
357 × 334 (20キロバイト)SkarmoutsosVThe delay between frames changed from 1, to 3 seconds.
2005年4月5日 (火) 17:13357 × 334 (20キロバイト)Wikiadd~commonswikiThis animated gif ilustrates the bitorrent protocol for sharing files.




Size:17 KB
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)