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^ a b Penaloza, Carlos (2014). Chavez, el delfin de Fidel: la historia secreta del golpe del 4 de febrero. Miami: Alexandria Library. p. 184. ISBN 1505750334. OCLC 904959157. "Among the escorts of Fidel who entered the country that night who entered camouflaged as Cuban, without being identified, Nicolas Maduro, the young man who was sought after for the kidnapping of William Niehaus since 1979." 
^ a b c Lopez, Virginia; Watts, Jonathan (2013年4月15日). “Who is Nicolas Maduro? Profile of Venezuela's new president”. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/apr/15/nicolas-maduro-profile-venezuela-president 2015年3月27日閲覧。 
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^ Penaloza, Carlos (2014). Chavez, el delfin de Fidel : la historia secreta del golpe del 4 de febrero. Miami: Alexandria Library. p. 184. ISBN 1505750334. OCLC 904959157. "Maduro had gone through a long process of formation in Cuba under the protection of Pedro Miret, the powerful Cuban commander and man very close to Fidel." 
^ Penaloza, Carlos (2014). Chavez, el delfin de Fidel : la historia secreta del golpe del 4 de febrero. Miami: Alexandria Library. p. 184. ISBN 1505750334. OCLC 904959157. "... Maduro returned to Venezuela with the permission to approach Chavez acting as a mole of the G2." 
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^ Carroll, Rory (2013). “5: Survival of the fittest”. Comandante: Inside Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. Penguin Press. p. 120. ISBN 978-1-59420-457-9. LCCN 2012-39514 
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^ Nathan Crooks (2012年12月8日). ⇒“Venezuela’s Chavez Says New Cancer Cells Detected in Cuba Exams”. Bloomberg. ⇒http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-09/venezuela-s-chavez-says-new-cancer-cells-detected-in-cuba-exams.html 2012年12月8日閲覧。 
^ Profile: Nicolas Maduro. BBC News. 13 December, 2012. Retrieved 2012-12-13.
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