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^ Wayne Federman (9 July 2019). "S2 Ep. 06: Meltdown". The History of Standup (Podcast). Dana Gould. The Podglomerate. 該当時間: 21:40-21:54. 2019年8月27日閲覧。A low ceiling and proximity to the stage is important because standup comedy is not a performance. It is a conversation in which the comedian does all of the talking.
^ Morris, Andrea (2018年7月26日). “A Robot Stand-Up Comedian Learns The Nuts And Bolts Of Comedy”. Forbes. Forbes Media LLC.. 2019年3月25日閲覧。 “[A lot of] stand-up comedy…as a general art form…is pre-scripted”
^ a b Borns, Betsy (1987). Comic Lives: Inside the World of American Stand-up comedy. Simon & Schuster, Inc.. p. 16. ISBN 0-671-62620-5. https://archive.org/details/comiclivesinside00born. "Jerry Seinfeld explains: ‘Comedy is a dialogue, not a monologue?that’s what makes an act click. The laughter becomes the audience’s part, and the comedian responds’" 
^ Stewart Lee (3 July 2013). On Not Writing (Lecture) (YouTube) (English). St Edmund Hall: University of Oxford. 該当時間: 48:54-48:58. 2019年2月13日閲覧。On the whole, you have to give the illusion that it's a dialogue
^ Dean, Greg (2000). Step by Step to Stand-up Comedy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. p. 190. ISBN 0-325-00179-0 
^ Borns, Betsy (1987). Comic Lives: Inside the World of American Stand-up comedy. Simon & Schuster, Inc.. p. 90. ISBN 0-671-62620-5. https://archive.org/details/comiclivesinside00born. "A comic's material about his life may have some connection to reality, but basically an act is just that, an act?it’s a fictionalized account with a few actual facts thrown in to make the act believable and, perhaps, more relevant to people’s lives." 
^ Martin, Steve (2007). Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life. New York: Scribner. pp. 40?42. ISBN 978-1-4165-5364-9. https://archive.org/details/bornstandingupco00mart. "I was demonstrating tricks eight to twelve hours a day" 
^ Ajaye, Franklyn (2002). Comic Insights: The Art of Stand-up Comedy. Jerry Seinfeld. Los Angeles: Silman-James Press. pp. 199. ISBN 1-879505-54-1. "That’s the goal?to become yourself." 
^ Mendrinos, James (2004). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Comedy. NY, New York: ALPHA: A member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.. p. 12. ISBN 1-59257-231-6 
^ Munro, David (2018年). “The Art of the Joke”. CRAFTSMANSHIP Quarterly: The Architecture of Excellence. The Craftsmanship Initiative. 2019年3月10日閲覧。
^ Evans, Bradford (2012年8月7日). “Stand-Up Comedians and Their Alternate On-Stage Personas”. Vulture: Devouring Culture. NEW YORK MEDIA LLC.. 2019年3月15日閲覧。
^ Borns, Betsy (1987). Comic Lives: Inside the World of American Stand-up comedy. Simon & Schuster, Inc.. pp. https://archive.org/details/comiclivesinside00born/page/90 90?91]. ISBN 0-671-62620-5. https://archive.org/details/comiclivesinside00born. "[A stand-up’s] act [is a] fictionalized account with a few actual facts thrown in to make the act believable and, perhaps more relevant to people’s lives...Every stand-up goes onstage as a character to some extent. Some may adopt a persona that’s very similar to their own personality, but it’s still a separate entity...even observational comics...use truth...as a foundation on which to build jokes by taking the truth to its farthest [sic] extreme." 


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