
注釈^ デンマークの国旗は、赤地に白いスカンディナヴィア十字を施した旗。神話における起源は1219年だが、描かれるようになるのは14世紀終わりごろになってからである。
^ カール8世はスウェーデンの国章を導入した人物でもある。この国章は1364年のスウェーデン王・アルブレクトの紋章、1275年マグヌス3世の紋章を組み合わせたもので、それに青地が追加され、金色のクロスパティーで4つの領域に分割されている。
^ 店舗自体も地色が青・IKEAロゴが黄色の、スウェーデンの国旗と近い色を使っている。

参照^ Jeroen Temperman. State Religion Relationships and Human Rights Law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=Khag6tbsIn4C&pg=PA88&dq=flag+of+sweden+christian&redir_esc=y&hl=ja#v=onepage&q=flag%20of%20sweden%20christian&f=false 2007年12月31日閲覧. "Many predominantly Christian states show a cross, symbolising Christianity, on their national flag. Scandinavian crosses or Nordic crosses on the flags of the Nordic countries?Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden?also represent Christianity." 
^ Carol A. Foley. The Australian Flag: Colonial Relic or Contemporary Icon. William Gaunt & Sons. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=WV7ag4EpHF8C&pg=PA10&dq=sweden+flag+cross+christian&redir_esc=y&hl=ja#v=onepage&q=sweden%20flag%20cross%20christian&f=false 2007年12月31日閲覧. "The Christian cross, for instance, is one of the oldest and most widely used symbols in the world, and many European countries, such as the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Greece and Switzerland, adopted and currently retain the Christian cross on their national flags." 
^ Andrew Evans. Iceland. Bradt. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=9_GfdBAASUQC&pg=PA27&dq=iceland+flag+christianity&redir_esc=y&hl=ja#v=onepage&q=iceland%20flag%20christianity&f=false 2007年12月31日閲覧. "Legend states that a red cloth with the white cross simply fell from the sky in the middle of the 13th-century Battle of Valdemar, after which the Danes were victorious. As a badge of divine right, Denmark flew its cross in the other Scandinavian countries it ruled and as each nation gained independence, they incorporated the Christian symbol." 
^Forordning 1983 nr. 826 med riktlinjer for fargnyanserna i Sveriges flagga.
^Sveriges flagga The Swedish State Herald, official website
^ “ ⇒Svensk forfattningssamling (SFS) - Riksdagen”. Riksdagen.se. 2010年4月12日閲覧。
^ Kongl. bref, den 19. April 1562
^ Plakat, av den 6. Nov. 1663, angaende den atskillnad som harefter bor observeras emellan de flaggor som Kongl. Maj:ts enskilda skepp och farkoster fora, sa ock de skepps och farkosters flaggor, som private personer tillhora och af dem brukas skola.
^ Tomas Rajalin, Nodig underrattelse om skiepz-byggeriet och der utaf harflytande hognodige och siovasendet samt taklingen tilhorige proportioner, Carlscrona : 1730
^ Kongl. Maj:ts forbud, den 19. November 1756, emot vimplars bruk pa kofferdi- och privata fartyg.
^ Kongl. bref, den 18. Augusti 1761
^ See further: Krigskollegii samt Forvaltningens af sjoarendena kungorelse, den 3 Maj 1815, om den for konungarikena Sverige och Norge faststallda orlogsflaggans allmanna anlaggnade.
^ The Brakel family was introduced to the Swedish House of Lords in 1756 and is best known for their participation in the Great Northern War in Finland. C.O. Brakel was a secretary of the Swedish House of Lords (Riddarhussekreterare), and his remark was made in a speech in 1868.
^ Kongl. Maj:ts skrivelse 1825 till Forvaltningen af sjoarendena om forslag till en sarskild lotsflagg
^ General-tullstyrelsens cirkular, 26. September 1844, till herrar tulldistriktschefer och tullkamrarne med tillkannagifvande, att en sarskild flagga for tullverkets fartyg blifvit av Kongl. Maj:t faststalld.
^ Lag, den 28. Oktober 1905, om upphafvande for Sveriges del af den till bestammande af de genom foreningen emellan Sverige och Norge uppkomna konstitutionella forhallanden antagna riksakt.
^ Riksmarskalkens beslut den April 6, 1987, for flaggning.
^ This is also one of the royal flags, and rumours that the three-tailed war flag is mainly chosen since the Royal Palace is the home of the Palace Guard - is not correct.
^ One of the oldest flags preserved is a double-tailed flag from 1760 at the Maritime Museum in Stockholm
^Boca Juniors Archived 2009年1月2日, at the Wayback Machine.



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