
注釈^ Parkes/MacDonald Productions, The Zanuck Company
^ ホイーラーはパトリック・クェンティンという共同の筆名の下、様々な推理小説を発表したことでも知られている。
^ 原文:"I was still a student, I didn't know if I would be making movies or working in a restaurant, I had no idea what I would be doing. I just wandered into the theatre and it just blew me away because I'd never really seen anything that had the mixture of all those elements. I actually went three nights in a row because I loved it so much."
^ 実際のところバートンはミュージカル嫌いで、当時内縁関係だったボナム=カーターによれば、「息子に[ミュージカルを]聴かせようとすると『息子がゲイになる』と怒り出す」ほどだったという[8][11]
^ : "[前略] dazzled both by the music and its sense of the macabre.[4]
^ 原文:"[His biggest challenge in adapting the demon barber's story] was taking a sprawling, magnificent Broadway musical and making it cinematic, and an emotionally honest film. Onstage, you can have a chorus sing as the people of London, but I think that would be alienating in a movie."
^ "In terms of the show, it was three hours long, but we weren't out to film the Broadway show, we were out to make a movie, so we tried to keep the pace like those old melodramas. Sondheim himself is not a real big fan of movie musicals, so he was really open to honing it down to a more pacey shape."
^ 舞台版で最も多いのはジョアンナの歌だが、その多くが割愛された[8]
^ 原文:"Just having people singing in front of a green screen seemed more disconnected."
^ 但し撮影中も大声で歌っていたことが、デップなどにより特典映像で語られている[11]
^ 原文:"We always saw him as a sad character, not a tragic villain or anything. He's basically a dead person when you meet him; the only thing that's keeping him going is the one single minded thing which is tragic. You don't see anything else around him."
^ 原文:That streak of white hair became the shock of that rage. shock という単語は「衝撃」との意味も持つが、「ひとかたまりの髪の毛」を表す単語でもある[39]。デップのこの発言は、この2義をかけたものと捉えることもできる。
^ 原文:"The idea was that he'd had this hideous trauma, from being sent away, locked away. That streak of white hair became the shock of that rage. It represented his rage over what had happened. It's certainly not the first time anyone's used it. But it's effective. It tells a story all by itself. My brother had a white spot growing up, and his son has this kind of shock of white in his hair."
^ 原文:"[Burton] had a very clear plan that he wanted to lift that up into a surreal, almost Kill Bill kind of stylization. We had done tests and experiments with the neck slashing, with the blood popping out. I remember saying to Tim, 'My God, do we dare do this?'"
^ 一般に、体重のおよそ13分の1程度と言われる。
^ 2007年の5000万ドルは2023年の7347万ドルと同等[43]
^ 原文:"All I can say is this is one of the best casts I've ever worked with. These people are not professional singers, so to do a musical like this which I think is one of the most difficult musicals, they all went for it. Every day on the set was a very, very special thing for me. Hearing all these guys sing, I don't know if I can ever have an experience like that again."


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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)