 “The origins of the celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany, as well as the dates on which they are observed, are rooted deeply in the history of the early church. There has been much scholarly debate concerning the exact time of the year when Jesus was born, and even in what year he was born. Actually, we do not know either. The best estimate is that Jesus was probably born in the springtime, somewhere between the years of 6 and 4 BC, as December is in the middle of the cold rainy season in Bethlehem, when the sheep are kept inside and not on pasture as told in the Bible. The lack of a consistent system of timekeeping in the first century, mistakes in later calendars and calculations, and lack of historical details to cross-reference events have led to this imprecision in fixing Jesus' birth. This suggests that the Christmas celebration is not an observance of a historical date, but a commemoration of the event in terms of worship.”
^ The School Journal, Volume 49. Harvard University. (1894). https://books.google.com/books?id=x_kBAAAAYAAJ&q=date+of+christmas+unimportant&pg=PA469 2009年4月2日閲覧. "Throughout the Christian world the 25th of December is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ. There was a time when the churches were not united regarding the date of the joyous event. Many Christians kept their Christmas in April, others in May, and still others at the close of September, till finally December 25 was agreed upon as the most appropriate date. The choice of that day was, of course, wholly arbitrary, for neither the exact date not the period of the year at which the birth of Christ occurred is known. For purposes of commemoration, however, it is unimportant whether the celebration shall fall or not at the precise anniversary of the joyous event." 
^ West's Federal Supplement. West Publishing Company. (1990). "While the Washington and King birthdays are exclusively secular holidays, Christmas has both secular and religious aspects." 
^ “Poll: In a changing nation, Santa endures”. Associated Press. (2006年12月22日). オリジナルの2018年12月26日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20181226063645/http://www.nbcnews.com/id/16329025/ns/us_news-life/t/poll-changing-nation-santa-endures/ 2018年12月24日閲覧。 
^ 八木谷涼子『キリスト教の歳時記 - 知っておきたい教会の文化』講談社、2016年12月9日、47頁。ISBN 978-4-06-292404-7。"イエスがいつ生まれたかを正確に特定できる記録は一切残っておらず、したがって、ナザレのイエスが実際にこの日に生まれた、と主張するクリスチャンは(子供を除いては)存在しない。あくまで12月25日は、イエスの誕生を記念する日なのである。"。 
^ 正教会の出典:正教会の復活祭 2003年復活祭フォトレポート(名古屋ハリストス正教会(アーカイブ))
^ カトリック教会の出典:四旬節 断食(大斎・小斎) カーニバル(カトリック中央協議会
^ 聖公会の出典: ⇒復活祭を迎える日本聖公会 東京教区 主教 植田仁太郎)
^ プロテスタントの出典:『キリスト教大事典』910頁、教文館、1973年9月30日 改訂新版第二版
^ クリスマスってどういう日? チコちゃんに叱られる!、木村正裕による説明、NHK、2018年12月21日放送[信頼性要検証]
^ Michael Stevenson (2004年12月16日). “ ⇒Expose'; Ten Facts About the Christmas Holiday”. Salvation Station. 3. Christmas Instituted by The Council of Nicea in 325AD. 2021年9月24日閲覧。 “In 325 A.D. Emperor Constantine called together the Council of Nicea which was in essence the first council of the Roman Catholic church. At this council meeting, it was decided that December 25th, the well-known pagan holiday dedicated to Mithras the Persian Sun-god, would be re-dedicated to the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.”(英語)
^ a b Elon Gilad (2021年12月5日). “The Real Story of Christmas: From Sun-worship to Sinterklaas”. Haaretz. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/the-real-story-of-christmas-1.5303185 2021年12月7日閲覧。 
^ a b c Nativity and Theophany of our Lord (Jan. 6)|米国アルメニア教会東部教区 - ウェイバックマシン(2012年3月25日アーカイブ分)(英語)
^ “キリスト教マメ知識”. Laudate 女子パウロ会. 2021年9月13日閲覧。
^ “Public holidays in Armenia”. worldtravelguide.net. 2021年9月23日閲覧。(英語)
^ 質問:クリスマスは12月25日?ロシアでは1月7日に祝うと聞いたのですが(ニコライ堂)(アーカイブ)


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