
^ Maclean, Hector (1892) (Internet Archive), Ultonian Hero-ballads Collected in the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland : from the year 1516, and at successive periods till 1870, Glasgow: A. Sinclair, https://archive.org/details/ultonianheroball00maclrich : "Duan a' Ghairbh Mhic Stairn", ed., p.17- "Ballad of the Garve Son of Starn", tr.,p.91-
^ Campbell, John Francis (1862) (google), Popular tales of the West Highlands, 4, Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=k1MJAAAAQAAJ&redir_esc=y&hl=ja , p.194-199, "LXXV. Guaigean Ladhrach 'S Loirean Spagach"
^ "Fingal means the 'fair-haired one'" (MacLauchlan 抄編訳, Dean of Lismore's Book, p.2)
^ "The suffix gal has been assumed to mean stranger or foreigner..so that Fingal would be the fair stranger" (Encyclopedia Britannica 1890年版)
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.40巻末注
^ Campbell 1862, Popular Tales, vol. 4, p.35, "But no tradition now current, and no ancient manuscript of which I have heard, makes any mention of the kingdom of Morven or its king Fingal,"
^ "fine view"とも; Robertson 1900, Trans. Gael. Soc. Inverness, vol. 22 (1897-8), "'Seallamath' -- that is, 'Belvedere' (fine prospect) is of Macpherson's own creation."
^ 一般に知られる近世版ではグラーニアは老いたフィンと結婚するのを拒み、ディルムッドと駆け落ちするMackillop 1998 "Grainne..Although ealier versions .. do not survive, medieval references indicate that Grainne was initially married to Fionn."
^ Works of Ossian, vol. 2 (1765), Hugh Blair, Dissertation, p.xxxiv, "Duan a Gharibb Mac-Starn is another Irish poem in high repute.. Garibh Mac-Starn is the same with Ossian's Swaran, the son of Starno. His single combat with, and victory over all.. exepting.. Cuchullin."
^ サクソの『デーン人の事績』では、スウァリヌスの父について詳しくない。だがマクファーソンと同時代のスーム(英語版)の史書(1782-1793)は、『オシアン詩集』を信じこんで、スウァリヌスのことをスタルノの子スワランだと記述したらしい。『オシアン詩集』ゲール語版の解説(Macfarlan 1807vol. 1 p.lxi-), ではこのスームを、スタルノの子スワランが実在した傍証とする:"Suhm then states.. Gram.. begins another (contest) with Swaran, king of the West Gothes,.. Swaran was the son of Starno."
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.167脚注(ブラー・ゲルの名前の意味は「白い胸」); p.173
^ 『エウィルへの求婚』。Kuno Meyer 英訳 The Wooing of Emer by Cu Chulainn, p.150, "Cuchulaind saw the breasts of the maiden (=Emer) over the bosom of her smock. Then he said: ‘Fair is this plain, ", p.301 "..Aife looked up. Then Cuchulaind.. seized her at her two breasts, took her on his back like a shoulder-load". ⇒CELT corpus
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.150巻末注。「軽い」の意
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.199脚注; Clerk 1870,vol.2, p.141
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.313脚注
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.158; Clerk 1870,vol.2, p.136
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.174脚注; Clerk 1870,vol.2, p.143
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.170
^ Clerk 1870,vol.2, p.537
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.298注 (Temora II.218)
^ Clerk 1870,vol.2,p.534 "said by Macpherson to be the 'beam of the rising sun"..Rosg-greine.. siginifies 'bright-eyed" 中村徳三郎 1971,p.331巻末注「明るい目をした」は、直訳でなくこの語釈を拾ったのである
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.293, 294注 (Temora II.58)
^ 中村徳三郎 1971,p.41, 294注


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