
ドゥーガル・ディクソン(Dougal Dixon、1947年 [1]- )は、スコットランド人の地質学者、古生物学者、サイエンス・ライター


アフターマン』After Man: A Zoology of the Future(1981年

Ice Age Explorer (Time Machine, No. 7) (1985)

新恐竜』The New Dinosaurs: An Alternative Evolution(1988年

マンアフターマン』 Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future(1990年

フューチャー・イズ・ワイルド』The Future Is Wild 共著(John Adams) (2003年)元々はテレビ番組としての企画。学者グループの助言をもとに製作され、プロデューサージョン・アダムスとの共著として出版。

『フューチャー・イズ・ワイルド完全図解 驚異の進化を遂げた2億年後の未来生物たち』The Wild World of the Future 2003/3 レア・ピー著、ジョン・アダムス(著)、 Dougal Dixon(著)、Peter Bull(アーティスト)、Mel Pickering (イラスト)

『いま恐竜が生きていたら』 If Dinosaurs Were Alive Today 2007/10/25

『恐竜 動物の鳴き声 (音がでるとびだししかけえほん)』Sounds of the Wild - Dinosaurs 2008/11/7 Dougal Dixon (著), Maurice Pledger (イラスト)

Dragons (Face to Face) 2009/1/1

グリーンワールド』 Greenworld (2010年

『恐竜時代でサバイバル』 A SURVIVAL GUIDE: Living with Dinosaurs in the Jurassic Period (Survival in the Age of Dinosaurs Book 1) (English Edition) Kindle版 Dougal Dixon (著), Oki Murata (編集) 2012年8月26日


Geology (Franklin Watts Science World) 1983/3

Prehistoric Reptiles (Find out About) 1984

『恐竜の時代―ドラマチックな写真記録』『恐竜の時代 : 写真でみる2億8000万年の謎』Time Exposure: A Photographic Record of the Dinosaur Age(The Age of Dinosaurs: A Photographic Record) 1984/9 ジェーン・バートン写真

Minerals, Rocks and Fossils (Nature Detective) 1984/9/27

『帝国書院ジュニア地理 3 地図と写真でみる森林のしくみと人々』Forests (Picture Atlas) 1985/1

『帝国書院ジュニア地理 1 地図と写真でみる山のしくみと人々』Mountains (Picture Atlas Series) 1985/1

Jungles (Closer Look at) 1985/4

『帝国書院ジュニア地理 5 地図と写真でみる砂漠のしくみと人々』Deserts and Wastelands (Franklin Watts Picture Atlas) 1985/4

The First Dinosaurs (New Dinosaur Library Series) 1987/10 ジェーン・バートン写真

The Jurassic Dinosaurs (New Dinosaur Library Series) 1987/10 ジェーン・バートン写真

Dinosaur and Fossil Activity Book (Colourfax) 1988/7/1

The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Science 1988/10 Bernard Dixon, Linda Gamlin、 Iain Nicolson 共著, Candida Hunt (編集)

Be a Fossil Detective 1988/10/6

Be a Dinosaur Detective 1988/12 Steve Lings (イラスト)

Last Dinosaurs 1989/3

Learning About the Dinosaurs (My First Dinosaur Library) 1989/12 Jane Burton (写真)

The Very First Dinosaurs (My First Dinosaur Library) 1989/12 Jane Burton (写真)

When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (My First Dinosaur Library) 1989/12 Jane Burton (写真)

The Last of the Dinosaurs (My First Dinosaur Library) 1989/12 Jane Burton (写真)

Hunting the Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals (New Dinosaur Library Read Alongs) 1990/1 Jane Burton (写真)

『恐竜 (SERIES大きな絵本)』Giant Book of Dinosaurs 1990/3

Air and Oceans (Library of Science & Technology) 1990/5/31

『恐竜大図鑑』Illustrated Dinosaur Encyclopedia 1991/8 Dougal Dixon (著), Andrew Robinson (著), David Johnston (イラスト)

『サイエンスNow 2 地球の自然』The Planet Earth (Today's world) 1993/1/1

Earth Facts 1993/2

『原色版 恐竜・絶滅動物図鑑―魚類から人類まで』 The Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals: A Visual Who's Who of Prehistoric Life 1993/4 Dougal Dixon (著)、 Barry Cox (著)、 RJG Savage (著)、 Brian Gardiner (著)

Complete Encyclopedia of the Earth 1993/5/1 共著 Robin Kerrod (編集)

The Changing Earth (Young Geographer Series) 1993/7

Complete Encyclopedia of How Animals Live 1993/7/1 共著 Andrew Branson (編集)

Dinosaur Dynasty: Real Monsters 1993/7/29

Dinosaur Dynasty: All Shapes and Sizes 1993/7/29

Dinosaur Dynasty: Death and Discovery 1993/7/29

Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals (Tell Me About) 1993/8 Christopher Maynard 共著

Explorers and Faraway Places (Tell Me About) 1993/8 Christopher Maynard共著

『ディクソンの大恐竜図鑑』Dougal Dixon's Dinosaurs 1993

『古代生物大図鑑』The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Prehistoric Life 1994/4 Rupert Matthews 共著

Highlights Dinosaurs: All Shapes and Sizes (Fun with a Purpose Books) 1999/10

Dinosaurs: Fossil Hunters (Fun with a Purpose Books) 1999/10

Atlas of Earth (Atlas Library) 2000/1 Alexa Stace (著), Pauline Khng (著), Dougal Dixon (編集)

Dougal Dixon's Amazing Dinosaurs: The Fiercest, the Tallest, the Toughest, the Smallest 2000/5

Earth, the Living Planet 2000/9 Alexa Stace 共著

Prehistoric Worlds (Discovery Plus Series) 2000/9/15 Andrew Charman 共著

Beginner's Guide to Geology (Beginners Guide) 2000/10/1

『生命と地球の進化アトラス 2 デボン紀から白亜紀』Atlas of the Evolving Earth (MacMillan Science Library) 2001. 3 Volumes.

Carnivores (Dinosaurs) 2001/8

Herbivores (Dinosaurs) 2001/8

In the Sky (Dinosaurs) 2001/8

Dinosaurs (Mega Bites) 2001/9/6 Dougal Dixon (著), Jayne Parsons (編集)

Cassell's Atlas of Evolution: The Earth, Its Landscape and Life Forms 2001/9/13 Dougal Dixon (著), Richard Moody (著), Ian Jenkins (著), Audrey Y. Zhuravlev (著)

1001 Facts About Dinosaurs (Backpack Books) 2002/1/31 ニールクラーク (著)、 William Lindsay (著)、 Dougal Dixon (著)、 Sue Grabham (編集)

Dinosaurs: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 2002/8

Dinosaurs in the Sea 2003/2

Secrets of the Deep (DK Revealed) 2003/5 Mike Benton 共著

The Dinosaur Skull (History Hunters) 2003/7/17

The Mammoth's Tomb (History Hunters) 2003/7/17

Dinosaur Dig (History Hunters) 2003/8

Frozen Mammoth (History Hunters) 2003/8

Dinosaurs (DK Revealed) 2003/11/27

Forest Fire 2004/1/12

Big Cat Summer (Animal Story) 2004/2/4

City Bear: animal story 2004/2/4 Adam Hibbert 共著

Orangutan Rescue (Animal Story) 2004/2/4

Volcano Evacuation (Expedition Earth) 2004/4/15

Bush Fire (Expedition Earth) 2004/4/15

Earthquake Emergency (Expedition Earth) 2004/4/15

Hurricane Destruction (Expedition Earth) 2004/4/15

Gorilla Mountain (Animal Story) 2004/4/15

Lioness Summer (Animal Story) 2004/4/15

Plateosaurus: and Other Desert Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2004/8/31 Dougal Dixon (著), James Field (イラスト), Steve Weston (イラスト), Stefan Chabluk (イラスト)

Stegosaurus and Other Plains Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2004/8/31 Dougal Dixon (著), James Field (イラスト), Steve Weston (イラスト), Stefan Chabluk (イラスト)

Deltadromeus and Other Shoreline Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2004/8/31 Dougal Dixon (著), James Field (イラスト), Steve Weston (イラスト), Stefan Chabluk (イラスト)

Ankylosaurus: and Other Mountain Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2004/8/31 Dougal Dixon (著), James Field (イラスト), Steve Weston (イラスト), Stefan Chabluk (イラスト)

Triceratops and Other Forest Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2004/8/31 Dougal Dixon (著), James Field (イラスト), Steve Weston (イラスト), Stefan Chabluk (イラスト)

Centrosaurus: and Other Dinosaurs of Cold Places (Dinosaur Find) 2004/8/31 Dougal Dixon (著), James Field (イラスト), Steve Weston (イラスト), Stefan Chabluk (イラスト)

『恐竜(見て読んで調べるビジュアル&アクセス大図鑑シリーズ)』Dinosaurs (E. Explore) 2004/9/30 John Malam 共著

E. Guide Dinosaur (Dk Online) 2004/9/30 John Malam 共著

Giganotosaurus And Other Big Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2006/1 Dougal Dixon (著), Steve Weston (イラスト), James Field (イラスト)

Saltopus And Other First Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2006/1 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Ceratosaurus And Other Fierce Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2006/1 Steve Weston、 Dougal Dixon

Ornithomimus And Other Fast Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2006/1 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Scutellosaurus And Other Small Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2006/1 Steve Weston、 James Field

Styracosaurus And Other Last Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2006/1 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

『恐竜イラスト百科事典』 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs 2006/5/30

Maiasaura And Other Dinosaurs of the Midwest (Dinosaur Find) 2006/8 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Allosaurus And Other Dinosaurs of the Rockies (Dinosaur Find) 2006/8 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Coelophysis And Other Dinosaurs of the South (Dinosaur Find) 2006/8 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Nodosaurus And Other Dinosaurs of the East Coast (Dinosaur Find) 2006/8 James Field、 Steve Weston

Dromaeosaurus And Other Dinosaurs of the North (Dinosaur Find) 2006/8 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Aletopelta And Other Dinosaurs of the West Coast (Dinosaur Find) 2006/8 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Cretaceous Life (Prehistoric World) 2006/10

Prehistoric World Early Life (Prehistoric World Books) 2006/10

Triassic Life (Prehistoric World) 2006/10

The Age of Mammals (Prehistoric World) 2006/10

The Ice Age (Prehistoric World) 2006/10

Jurassic Life (Prehistoric World) 2006/10

Trilobites and Other Early Creatures (Prehistoric World) 2006/10

Early Man and Other Prehistoric Creatures (Prehistoric World) 2006/10

The Discovery of T. Rex (Stories from History) 2006/10/15

Awesome Ancient Animals: Huge Hunters Roam the Earth: Ancient Mammals 2006/10/26

Awesome Ancient Animals: T. Rex is King: Cretaceous Life 2006/10/26

Awesome Ancient Animals: Dinosaurs Dominate: Jurassic Life 2006/10/26

Awesome Ancient Animals: Reptiles Rule: Triassic Life 2006/10/26

Dinosaur Explorer (Listen Read Think Science) 2007/1/23 Dougal Dixon (著), Hannah Ray (編集), Martin Knowelden (イラスト)

Agustinia and Other Dinosaurs of Central and South America (Dinosaur Find) 2007/1/30 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Minmi and Other Dinosaurs of Australia (Dinosaur Find) 2007/1/30 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Therizinosaurus and Other Dinosaurs of Asia (Dinosaur Find) 2007/1/30 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Spinosaurus and Other Dinosaurs of Africa (Dinosaur Find) 2007/1/30 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Tyrannosaurus and Other Dinosaurs of North America (Dinosaur Find) 2007/1/30 Steve Weston、 Dougal Dixon

Neovenator and Other Dinosaurs of Europe (Dinosaur Find) 2007/1/30 James Field、 Steve Weston

Dougal Dixons Dinosaurs 2007/6

Amazing Dinosaurs 2007/10

The World of the Dinosaurs: An Exciting Guide to Prehistoric Creatures, With 350 Fabulous Detailed Illustrations of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Beast and the Places They Lived 2007/12

Dinosaurs (Face to Face) 2008/1/1

Tsintaosaurus and Other Duck-billed Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2008/1 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Pawpawsaurus and Other Armored Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2008/1 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Diceratops and Other Horned Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2008/1 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Deinocheirus and Other Big, Fierce Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2008/1 Steve Weston、 James Field

Chungkingosaurus and Other Plated Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2008/1 James Field、 Steve Weston

Bambiraptor and Other Feathered Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2008/1 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Complete Book Of Dinosaurs Big Book 2008/4

The World Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures: The Ultimate Visual Reference Guide to More Than 1000 Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Creatures, With 2000 Specially Commissioned Watercolours, Maps and Phot 2008/4/15

Visual Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs 2008/5/9

The Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs: A Unique Illustrated Guide to 270 Best-Known Dinosaurs of the World, Shown in more than 350 Amazing Scientific Illustrations 2008/7

Baryonyx and Other Dinosaurs of the Isle of Wight Digs in England (Dinosaur Find) 2008/7/15 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Xiaosaurus and Other Dinosaurs of the Dashanpu Digs in China (Dinosaur Find) 2008/7/15 James Field、 Dougal Dixon

Camarasaurus and Other Dinosaurs of the Garden Park Digs in Colorado (Dinosaur Find) 2008/7/15 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Torosaurus and Other Dinosaurs of the Badlands Digs in Montana (Dinosaur Find) 2008/7/15 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

World of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Life 2008/7/18

The Story of Dinosaurs 2008/8/14 TickTock共著

Saurophaganax and Other Meat-eating Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2009/4 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Mahakala and Other Insect-Eating Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2009/2/13 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Iguanodon and Other Leaf-Eating Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2009/2/13 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Masiakasaurus and Other Fish-Eating Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Find) 2009/2/4 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

If Dinosaurs Were Alive Today (Large Reference) 2009/4/16

Dinosaurs (Discoverology) 2009/6/5

Dinosaurs: A Thrilling Journey Through Prehistoric Times 2009/7/1

The Ultimate Guide to Dinosaurs 2009/9 Dougal Dixon、 Steve Weston

Dinosaurs(Explorers) 2010/5/11 Dougal Dixon (著)、 Peter Bull (イラスト)

Meat-Eating Dinosaurs (Dinosaur Files) 2010/8

Prehistoric Oceans (Dinosaur Files) 2010/8

Prehistoric Skies (Dinosaur Files) 2010/8

Dinosaurs (I Want to Know About) 2012/1 Dougal Dixon (著), Dee Phillips (著)

The Complete Book of Dinosaurs: The Ultimate Reference to 355 Dinosaurs from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods, Including More Than 900 Illustrations, Maps, Timelines and 2012/3/16

The Big Book of Dinosaur Questions & Answers (English Edition) 2012/11/19

My First Book of Dinosaurs 2013/2/4 Dee Phillips、 Dougal Dixon

If Dinosaurs Were Alive Today 2013/5/6 Dougal Dixon、 Mike Benton

Time Machine 7: Ice Age Explorer (English Edition) 2013/8/28

The World of Dinosaurs: An Exciting Guide to Prehistoric Creatures, With 350 Fabulous Detailed Drawings of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Beasts and the Places They Lived 2013/11/7

Discovering Dinosaurs: An Exciting Guide to Prehistoric Creatures, With 350 Fabulous Detailed Drawings of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Beasts and the Places They Lived 2014/5/7

Let's Find Out: Dinosaur Explorer (Qed Readers Lets Find Out) 2014/6/2

The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures: The Ultimate Illustrated Reference Guide to 1000 Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Creatures, With 2000 Specially Commissioned Artworks, Maps and Photographs 2014/7/7

Huge Hunters Roam the Earth: Ancient Mammals (Awesome Ancient Animals) 2014/8/4

Reptiles Rule: Triassic Life (Awesome Ancient Animals) 2014/8/4

Dinosaurs Dominate: Jurassic Life (Awesome Ancient Animals) 2014/8/4

Saber Tooths are the Big Cats: Ice Age (Awesome Ancient Animals) 2014/8/4

Sea Creatures Crawl on Land: Early Life (Awesome Ancient Animals) 2014/8/4

T. Rex is King: Cretaceous Life (Awesome Ancient Animals) 2014/8/4

Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life (Spotlights) 2017/2/2

Dinosaur Explorer (Qeb Readers, Level 2: Let's Find Out)2014/9/9

My Little Book of Dinosaurs 2014/10/14

Everything You Need to Know About Dinosaurs 2016/1/26

Everything You Need to Know About Dinosaurs: The Complete Guide to Dinosaurs from *Eoraptors to Extinction 2016/3/24 Dougal Dixon、 Kingfisher


DINO DOTS ボードブック ? 1989/2/15












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