
ジルベール・シモンドン(フランス語: Gilbert Simondon、1924年10月2日 - 1989年2月7日)は、フランスの哲学者。個体化の理論を提唱したことで知られている。ジル・ドゥルーズベルナール・スティグレールに大きな影響を与えた。



Du mode d'existence des objets techniques (Meot, 1958; second ed. Paris: Aubier, 1989).

L'individu et sa genese physico-biologique (l'individuation a la lumiere des notions de forme et d'information) (Paris: PUF
, 1964; second ed. J.Millon, coll. Krisis, 1995).

L'individuation psychique et collective (Paris, Aubier, 1989; reprinted in 2007 with a preface by Bernard Stiegler).


L’Invention dans les techniques, Cours et conferences (Ed. du Seuil, coll. "Traces ecrites").

L’Individuation a la lumiere des notions de forme et d’information (Jerome Millon, coll. Krisis).

Cours sur la perception (1964?1965), Preface de Renaud Barbaras (Editions de La Tansparence).

Imagination et invention (1965?1966) (Editions de La Transparence, 2008).

Communication et Information. Cours et Conferences (Editions de La Transparence, 2010).

Sur la technique (P.U.F., 2014).


Bardin, Andrea, ⇒
Epistemology and Political Philosophy in Gilbert Simondon. Individuation, Technics, Social Systems (Springer, 2015).

Barthelemy, Jean-Hugues, Simondon (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2014).

Barthelemy, Jean-Hugues (dir.), Cahiers Simondon N° 1 to 6 (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009-2015).

Barthelemy, Jean-Hugues, "Individuation and Knowledge. The refutation of idealism in Simondon's Heritage in France", translated by M. Hayward and A. De Boever, SubStance, Special Issue "Gilbert Simondon", Issue 129, Vol. 41, N°3, 2012.

Barthelemy, Jean-Hugues, "What new Humanism today ?", translated by Chris Turner, Cultural Politics, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Bergs Publishers, 2010.

Barthelemy, Jean-Hugues, "Du mort qui saisit le vif. Simondonian ontology today", trans. Justin Clemens, ⇒Parrhesia 7 (2009): 28-35.

Barthelemy, Jean-Hugues, Simondon ou l'encyclopedisme genetique (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2008)

Barthelemy, Jean-Hugues, Penser l'individuation. Simondon et la philosophie de la nature (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005). (フランス語).

Barthelemy, Jean-Hugues, Penser la connaissance et la technique apres Simondon (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005). (フランス語).

Bidet, Alexandra, Mace, Marielle. "S'individuer, s'emanciper, risquer un style (autour de Simondon)", Revue du Mauss, n°38 - Emancipation, subjectivation, individuation. Psychanalyse, philosophie et science sociale, La Decouverte, 2011, pp. 269?284.

Caponi, Saverio, Gilbert Simondon. La tecnica e la vita, Lulu.com, 2010.

Carrozzini, Giovanni, Gilbert Simondon filosofo della mentalite technique, Mimesis, Milano 2011.

Carrozzini, Giovanni, Gilbert Simonodn: per un'assiomatica dei saperi. Dall'"ontologia dell'individuo" alla filosofia della tecnologia, Manni, San Cesario di Lecce 2006

Chabot, Pascal, La philosophie de Simondon (Paris, Vrin, 2003). (English translation : " ⇒The philosophy of Simondon.Between technology and individuation", Bloomsbury, 2013)

Combes, Muriel, Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of the Transindividual, translated by Thomas LaMarre, MIT Press 2013 (originally published in French: Simondon, Individu et collectivite, Presses Universitaires de France 1999)

Deleuze, Gilles, "On Gilbert Simondon," in Desert Islands and Other Texts, 1953?1974 (Los Angeles & New York: Semiotext(e), 2004): 86?9. ISBN 1-58435-018-0

De Boever, Murray, Roffe & Ashley (eds.), ⇒Gilbert Simondon: Being and Technology ( ⇒Edinburgh University Press, hardback: 2012; paperback: March 2013).

Dumouchel, Paul, "Gilbert Simondon's Plea for a Philosophy of Technology," in The Politics of Knowledge (Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1995): 255-71. ISBN 0-253-20940-4.

During, Elie, ⇒Simondon au pied du mur. (フランス語).

Hottois, Gilbert, Simondon et la philosophie de la culture technique (Brussels: De Boeck, 1992). (フランス語).

Mackenzie, Adrian, Transductions: Bodies and Machines at Speed (Continuum Press, 2002). ISBN 0-8264-5883-1

Massumi, Brian, Technical Mentality" Revisited: Brian Massumi on Gilbert Simondon, ⇒Parrhesia 7 (2009): 36-45.

Revue philosophique de la France et de l'etranger, Gilbert Simondon, n°3/2006.

Stiegler, Bernard, Acting Out (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009).

Stiegler, Bernard, ⇒The Theater of Individuation: Phase-shift and Resolution in Simondon and Heidegger, trans. Kristina Lebedeva, Parrhesia 7 (2009): 46-57.

Stiegler, Bernard, Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998).

Stiegler, Bernard, ⇒Temps et individuation technique, psychique, et collective dans l’oeuvre de Simondon. (フランス語).

Toscano, Alberto, "Technical Culture and the Limits of Interaction: A Note on Simondon," in Joke Brouwer & Arjen Mulder (eds.), Interact or Die! (Rotterdam: NAi, 2007): 198-205.

Virno, Paolo, Angels and the General Intellect: Individuation in Duns Scotus and Gilbert Simondon, ⇒Parrhesia 7 (2009): 58-67.


On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects, link to PDF file of unpublished 1980 translation ⇒.

The Individual and Its Physico-Biological Genesis, link to HTML file of unpublished 2007 translation.

Save the Technical Object, link to PDF file of unpublished 2013 translation.

MEOT / METO, link to PDF file of unpublished 2010 translation.


Gilbert Simondon
online Internet Archive.

The Gilbert Simondon issue of Parrhesia (英語).

Gilbert Simondon Twitter-feed (英語) (フランス語) (スペイン語).

Filmed interview of Gilbert Simondon on the subject of mechanology, 1968 (フランス語).

On Gilbert Simondon's Unified Theory of Technics and Technology, by Francois Laruelle (英語).

Autour de Simondon: List of articles about Simondon, by the revue online Appareil (フランス語).

Sissel-Hoel and Van-der-Tuin on Simondon's link to Ernst Cassirer (英語).

Barthelemy on Simondon's link to Bergson and Teilhard de Chardin (英語).

Gilbert Simondon Biography by Nathalie Simondon (英語).

"Gilbert Simondon (1924‐1989)" by Gilles Chatelet (英語).

"Simondon au pied du mur" by Elie During (フランス語).

Mode of Existence, English translation (英語).

On the Essence of Technicity (英語).

Simondon biography (英語).

List of articles about Simondon (フランス語).

"Simondon Week" on TheFunambulist.net.

"Penser l'ecole avec Gilbert Simondon" (フランス語).

List of 20 definitions of Simondonian concepts (英語).

L'humanisme de L'autre machine ? Interview with Vincent Bontems re: Simondon's Mode d'Existence des Objets Techniques (フランス語).

CIDES (Centre International des Etudes Simondoniennes) a.k.a. ICSS (International Center for Simondon Studies)

Conference-video on Gilbert Simondon and the New Enlightenment (フランス語).




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